Aisles & Gangways

Exhibitors and contractors must remove all waste materials from the aisles. Designated emergency aisles must be kept clear at all times - these will be marked on the hall floor using emergency gangway tape and a floorplan of the emergency gangways can be found in the on-site Organisers' office. Please ensure you adhere to these rules to ensure a safe & accessible build up and you must co-operate with our Floor Managers.

During the open period, no objects must protrude from the stands into the aisles nor must furniture or displays or parts of displays be placed in the aisles. 

Under no circumstances may an Exhibitor (or staff member working on behalf of Exhibitors) be permitted to distribute any promotional material (including printed or other cards, circulars, articles, leaflets) at any point within the exhibition centre other than on their allocated stand space. This restriction includes the gangways surrounding your stand and all public spaces. 

Monday 27th May 2024: To help ensure that the aisle carpet can be laid on time and the cleaning team have sufficient amount of time to ensure that the show is cleaned and ready for show open it is compulsory that all empty boxes, storage crates, ladders, unused stand fitting materials, pallets etc. are removed from the aisle by 3pm on Monday 27th May. Any items left in the aisles after this time will be removed by DB Schenker and a 100% surcharge will apply to the storage cost (as set out in DB Schenker Tariff) for the removal and storage of these items. Everyone working onsite must be made aware of this procedure.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

The consumption of alcohol onsite during build up and breakdown phase is strictly forbidden. 

The taking of illicit drugs is strictly forbidden at all times.

It is an offence to smoke or to knowingly permit smoking inside the venue premises. If you observe someone smoking, a complaint may be made to any member of the exhibition team. This also applies to e-cigarettes and vaping. Smoking and Vaping will only be allowed in designated smoking areas outside.


Helium Balloons, Blimps and Toy Balloons are not permitted.

Banking & Cashpoints

There is an ATM situated in the Central Entrance.


Children under the age of 16 will not be permitted in the halls during build and breakdown under any circumstance. 

On event open days, no one under the age of 16 years will be permitted to attend unless they have obtained prior written consent of the Organisers.

Cleaning, Hygiene & Waste

Exhibitors must provide hand sanitiser and/or hand washing facilities within the stand design. All high touch points e.g. counters, meeting tables, shared equipment, should be regularly cleaned with appropriate cleaning materials during build, show open and breakdown. Every stand must have hand sanitiser available for visitors and staff. Details should be demonstrated in their Stand Information Form.

Enhance cleaning services can be ordered from the Cleaning & Waste Supplier

It is your responsibility to maintain your stand in a clean condition at all times. The cleaning of exhibits will remain your responsibility, as will any special services that may be required such as the removal of bulk rubbish. Standfitting materials, carpet, pallets etc. are not included in the cleaning service and must be removed by the exhibitor or contractor. Any costs incurred for the removal of this type of waste will be forwarded to the exhibitor concerned. 

Please note that you will incur charges if you or your contractor leaves excess waste during build up and breakdown.


Shell Scheme

We have made arrangements for basic stand cleaning to be carried out on all shell scheme stands, which means your carpets will be vacuumed before each opening morning.  You must ensure that any stand waste is left in a tied up bag in the aisle each evening after show close. 


Space Only

Please note Space Only stands will only have their stand vacuumed on the night before the first day of show open. For the remainder of the exhibition is it the space only stands exhibitor’s responsibility to clean their stand. Each evening after show closes it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to leave tied up rubbish bags in the aisle to be removed.

Demonstrations, Stand Activities, and Music on Stands


Demonstrations and presentations can taken place on exhibition stands throughout the event as long as they are in line with the following event guidance;

  • Demonstrations/presentations must be safe and without risks to health and safety and where necessary covered by a risk assessment. 
  • Demonstrations/presentations must take place within the exhibitors stand space and not cause any obstruction within the gangways or surrounding stands.
  • Demonstrations/presentations likely to interest groups of 10 or more people must be located towards the centre of the stand and clearly shown on submitted stand plans. 
  • The noise level of the demonstration/presentation must not cause interferance to any meetings taking place or cause nuisance to any other Exhibitor.

The organiser reserves the right to cancel and demonstration/presentation or restrict the frequency if the above points are not met. 

For further advice and more detailed guidance, please contact our Operations team. 


Stand Activities

Stand activites are permitted, however some may require additional sign off from the Organiser or Venue.

Please ensure you indicate any stand actvities taking place on your stand on the Stand Information Form.


Music on Stands

If you’re exhibiting at a trade show, conference or exhibition, and you plan on using licensed music through either radio, TV, laptop, mobile phone, other digital devices and/or live performances on your exhibition stand, then you’ll need to purchase a music licence to cover you legally.

A link to the relevant request form for this can be found under on the HMC Webshop.


Please remember that you are responsible for rectifying any damage caused to the fabric of the Exhibition buildings, by you, your agents or contractors. In your own interests you should satisfy yourselves as to the condition of your stand site before the building of your stand and after its clearance. It is essential to use a recognised adhesive tape when fixing any carpet directly to the hall floor as all carpet tape must be removed at the end of the exhibition. The correct tape can be purchased from the Organising office onsite at the exhibition. Any charges incurred by the organisers as a result of failure to remove carpet/carpet tape will be passed onto the exhibitor. The stand space must be completely clear and clean by the end of the dismantling period. Any waste left behind is subject to a charge.

Disabled Access

All entrances and halls are full accessible for people with disabilities, with disabled toilets available in all halls.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair free of charge at the venue. They are asked to reserve a wheelchair in advance, giving details of their visit date and time by email to [email protected].

Filming and Broadcasting

It is not permitted, without the prior approval of the Operations team, to engage in or permit filming, sound or video recording, telecasting or broadcasting within the Venue. Please contact the Operations team to discuss. 

First Aid & Accidents

First Aid will be available onsite. If you require medical attention, please contact the Organisers Office or any member of the exhibition team. Alternatively, if you are able to, you can go directly to the first aid centre outside of hall B4.

All accidents and near-misses must be reported to the Organisers via the Organiser's Office, Floor Managers, or Health & Safety Officers.

PA System

The Public Address system is for use of the Organiser and Authorities only. Only official and emergency messages will be broadcast, any requests for information to be announced will be refused.

Patents & Copyright

By entering into an agreement to attend this exhibition,  you warrant to RX Global that all designs and artwork on or relating to your stand and any exhibits and items displayed on your stand shall not infringe any trademarks or copyright or patents or other intellectual property rights of any third party in any way.

In the event that the exhibition is under any legal obligation (whether by virtue of a court injunction or order or judgement or a recommendation or decision of a Trading Standards Officer or otherwise) to have removed either any item or items displayed on your stand or any design or artwork on or relating to your stand then (without prejudice to any other rights which RX Global may have) RX Global reserves the right to assist the relevant authorities and where appropriate to have that item or items removed from your stand or to close your stand at the exhibition. No compensation or damages will be payable as a result of such removal or closure by RX Global.

The Organisers cannot accept responsibility for any conflict of trading at the Exhibition

Please be advised that it is an offence under Section 107 (3) of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1998 to screen films in public without a non-theatrical licence. For further advice on copyright please contact Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT).

Personal Protective Equipment

If you are working onsite during the build up and breakdown you will be expected to wear appropriate PPE. You will be checked by security as you enter the venue to ensure you have a high viability vest and safety shoes. These are mandatory requirements and anyone not wearing these will be turned away from site. 

Promotional Materials

In order to reduce touchpoints, exhibitors should reduce any promotional material (e.g. product brochures, product samples, giveaways and business cards etc.) that will have been handled by more than 1 person. Exhibitors should look to provide alternatives e.g. send product brochure electronically.

If physical handouts are unavoidable then they must be distributed in line with current hygiene measures. Containers presenting visitor giveaways, or visitor self service is not permitted; items should be handed out by stand personnel only. 

Site Rules

Please click here to view the site rules for the build and breakdown of the event.

Wi-Fi & Internet

There is free unsupported Wi-Fi available to all exhibitors and visitors to use whilst at the event.

If you require an internet connection whilst exhibiting, you should order a dedicated connection from the Internet and Communications Supplier.